

At any one time, the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) has hundreds of projects in its pipeline. In addition to public projects, DDOT reviews numerous private development applications. The District Transportation Access Portal (DTAP) provides information about all of these projects, whether they are in the study, design, procurement and/or construction process. DTAP’s reports and dashboards help identify project areas where utility companies and DDOT can share costs and construction work zones, which can also mitigate public frustration and reduce traffic congestion.
Paving Program
DDOT’s Paving Plan is generated annually and refined during the winter months in preparation for resurfacing activities that begin in the spring and continue through the fall of each year.
Projects Under Construction
Please visit our Projects Under Construction page for a list of infrastructure projects that are currently under construction.
Project Forecast
Upcoming projects are forecasted and categorized by size in scope and solicitation type.
Utility Work Coordination
DTAP identifies project areas where utility companies and DDOT can share costs and construction work zones.
Notice of Intent (NOI)
DDOT routinely conducts on-site investigations at certain locations in the District of Columbia to determine whether any traffic and parking modifications are necessary. If DDOT decides that such modifications are necessary, the department shall provide a publicly available Notice of Intent (NOI) in order to notify residents and solicit comments on the proposed modifications.
Residents may provide comments to DDOT regarding the modifications proposed in an NOI no later than thirty days (30) after the date of the NOI's publication.
Will be Implemented Soon... Continue Weather
DTAP’s Solicitation - Open Bid page provides a list of projects that are open for vendors to bid on. Here you will find basic information about the project scope, bid documents and the project’s geographic location on an interactive map. For more information and/or to submit a proposal please visit OCP's website.
AASHTOWARE Project Bids is replacing AASHTOWARE Expedite software.

AASHTOWARE Project Bids is a software for electronic bid submissions. The software allows users to enter item bid prices into an electronic bid file distributed by DDOT. AASHTOWARE Project Bids v2.0.10 is easy to install and use; computes all extensions, section and bid totals; and simplifies your bid preparation. Please download the software and follow the steps below to enter in your bid data. First, click the AASHTOWARE Project Bids v2.0.10 link below and read & agree the license agreement and click the Install Bid Component. After installation, the Project Bids v2.0.10 software will prompt you to add your business information. Click OK. The software opens the Bidder Information tab of the BID Options window. Please enter your company ID information to match exactly what the agency has on file. Save as “company.ebsx”.

AASHTOWARE Project Bids v2.0.10 - Download  (Sign in to Download)

For Project bids software support contact
[email protected]
Toll free phone: (888) 352-BIDX (2439)

Electronic Pricing Schedule Amendments in Project Bids(if any)

Search for Electronic Price Schedule Amendment on DTAP for the subject project and upload Electronic Price Schedule Amendment to your Electronic Pricing Schedule in Project Bids. After downloading the price schedule amendment file from DTAP, open your existing Electronic Pricing Schedule for the project in Project Bids, go to File, on the drop down menu select “Load Amendment” and select “Electronic Price Schedule Amendment” (Make sure the “Files of type” drop down box is changed to “All Files” in order to see the downloaded file).The file extension for Electronic Price Schedule Amendment is .001 or .002 or any consecutive numbers depending on number of Electronic Price Schedule Amendments.
Awarded Contracts
DTAP’s All Contracts page provides a list of all contracts that have been awarded for DDOT projects. The list of contracts contains basic contact information along with the project’s geographic location/extent on an interactive map.
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Awarded Task Orders
DTAP’s Task Order Award page provides a list of all finalized Task Orders. These projects are tasked to vendors already under contract with DDOT through the Architecture and Engineering (A/E) schedule. This includes project in design, construction and planning phases.
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