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Participation: This application is the property of the District Government for use in conducting District of Columbia Government business.
Uses of this online system, and the information on it, may be monitored for the purpose of improving government efficiency; ascertaining the
viewership and frequency of viewership of District Department of Transportation (DDOT) solicitations and increasing the involvement of
Disadvantaged Business Entreprises (DBEs) in solicitation for DDOT-related projects.
For details on the District of Columbia Government's information security policy see http://octo.dc.gov/node/707102
If You See Something Say Something. Report Fraud, Waste, Abuse, and Mismanagement in the Government of the District of Columbia to the Office of the Inspector General 717 4th St NW Suite 500 Washington DC 20005.
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Toll Free Hotline: 1-800-521-1639 or 202-724-TIPS Webpage: http://oig.dc.gov